- 有助於增加肌肉質量
- 促進體重增加
- 幫助增強無氧力量
- 支持大腦和認知功能
運動前補充能量的果昔: 在您喜愛的運動前混合物中添加一劑 CEE,提升果昔的營養價值。例如,將一根熟香蕉、一勺蛋白粉、一把菠菜、一勺堅果醬、杏仁奶和 CEE 混合在一起,製作出營養豐富且能提供能量的美味零食。
口味水: 將 CEE 混入您的口味水中,提升您的精神。選擇無糖口味或果汁浸泡來降低熱量。若您對 CEE 敏感,碳酸水或無糖水果汁的氣泡感可以幫助掩蓋 CEE 的味道。
運動後恢復飲品: 在運動後立即將 CEE 粉混入您的蛋白質飲品中,可以通過補充耗盡的磷酸鹽儲存和加速蛋白質合成來啟動肌肉恢復。這可能是加速肌肉癒合的關鍵,並讓您能夠進行更頻繁、更有影響力的運動。
運動後燕麥粥: 在一次激烈的運動後,燕麥粥是一個豐盛且健康的選擇。在煮熟的燕麥粥中撒上 CEE,並加入您喜歡的甜味劑和配料,如蜂蜜、水果或堅果。由於燕麥粥味道溫和,不會與 CEE 的味道相爭。
美味優格: 將 CEE 混入您的優格中,輕鬆享用美味的組合。添加一些燕麥片、水果或淋上蜂蜜,使其成為一份均衡美味的零食或輕便餐。
建議用法: 作為膳食補充劑,建議在運動前服用 3 克(約 1 茶匙),或按照醫生的指示服用。個別需求可能有所不同。多喝水。
† 這些聲明未經食品和藥物管理局評估。本產品不旨在診斷、治療、治癒或預防任何疾病。
消費此產品可能會使您接觸到鉛,根據加利福尼亞州的說法,鉛會導致癌症和出生缺陷或其他生殖傷害。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.P65Warnings.ca.gov。請將其放在兒童接觸不到的地方。
- 有助於增加肌肉質量
- 促進體重增加
- 幫助增強無氧力量
- 支持大腦和認知功能
運動前補充能量的果昔: 在您喜愛的運動前混合物中添加一劑 CEE,提升果昔的營養價值。例如,將一根熟香蕉、一勺蛋白粉、一把菠菜、一勺堅果醬、杏仁奶和 CEE 混合在一起,製作出營養豐富且能提供能量的美味零食。
口味水: 將 CEE 混入您的口味水中,提升您的精神。選擇無糖口味或果汁浸泡來降低熱量。若您對 CEE 敏感,碳酸水或無糖水果汁的氣泡感可以幫助掩蓋 CEE 的味道。
運動後恢復飲品: 在運動後立即將 CEE 粉混入您的蛋白質飲品中,可以通過補充耗盡的磷酸鹽儲存和加速蛋白質合成來啟動肌肉恢復。這可能是加速肌肉癒合的關鍵,並讓您能夠進行更頻繁、更有影響力的運動。
運動後燕麥粥: 在一次激烈的運動後,燕麥粥是一個豐盛且健康的選擇。在煮熟的燕麥粥中撒上 CEE,並加入您喜歡的甜味劑和配料,如蜂蜜、水果或堅果。由於燕麥粥味道溫和,不會與 CEE 的味道相爭。
美味優格: 將 CEE 混入您的優格中,輕鬆享用美味的組合。添加一些燕麥片、水果或淋上蜂蜜,使其成為一份均衡美味的零食或輕便餐。
建議用法: 作為膳食補充劑,建議在運動前服用 3 克(約 1 茶匙),或按照醫生的指示服用。個別需求可能有所不同。多喝水。
† 這些聲明未經食品和藥物管理局評估。本產品不旨在診斷、治療、治癒或預防任何疾病。
消費此產品可能會使您接觸到鉛,根據加利福尼亞州的說法,鉛會導致癌症和出生缺陷或其他生殖傷害。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.P65Warnings.ca.gov。請將其放在兒童接觸不到的地方。
此產品的評價:4.7 / 5.0 顆星。
已收到 43 則評價。
- Reviews
- Questions
- motion
- urination frequency
- loading phase
- G.I.
- bloat
- cramp
- ratings
- monohydrate
- experience
- discomfort

My go to shop
When I find myself down to the last scoops of supplements I know my order will be here fast, prices per gram are comparable, I trust the quality and have not had a bad experience with this company.

Great product
Great product will recommend

Great company, not great creatine
This was more of an impulse buy and I should have done some research. I have been using creatine mono for years now with great results. This form of creatine however doesn’t work even in larger than recommended servings. I don’t feel that your body is able use it at all in the form. I would not recommend buying or trying, just stick with the the mono creatine that bulk supplements sells its cheaper, very affective and a good pure product.

Beat the taste
Settles for this product because the regular HCL has been sold out for half a year and for some odd reason they won’t restock the product. Yes, this stuff has a horrible taste. However, a great way to beat the taste in my opinion is to mix this stuff with water, then use the mixture to chase a dry scoop of pre workout. Barely taste it. Only been using product for a week. So I cannot comment on results yet.

Very effective product!
Very effective product, mix/dissolves well (does NOT collect like sand on the bottom of cup). Does NOT cause lower G.I. cramp/discomfort, bloat, or increased urination frequency like monohydrate does. No loading phase and absorbs well. The taste is strong and will require time to pallet. If you’re not tough enough to ingest it straight, then simply find whatever you like and mix the product in. Sadly, many ineffective products get high ratings due to artificial fancy taste, while highly effective products such as this constantly receive bad ratings due to strong taste that you get used to. Do not allow this product to discontinue. If discontinuing is already in motion, allow me to purchase once more so that I can stock up.

Creatine Ethyl Ester HCl
I'm new to creatine but read a lot about it. What caught my attention is a study that found older people taking creatine would sustain their muscle mass even if they don't exercise. I'm not look to stop exercising but at 62 my muscles are shrinking, so it's worth a try. P.S. Taste like poison.