HMB 粉末的优点†
这种氨基酸支持瘦肌肉质量的生长,并可能有助于肌肉恢复。运动前服用 HMB 还有助于提高运动表现。它还可能有助于促进大脑健康
- 建立瘦肌肉质量
- 帮助管理健康的体重
- 有助于剧烈运动后的肌肉恢复
- 提高运动表现并增强力量
- 有助于维持健康的胆固醇水平
- 减少阿尔茨海默病相关斑块
建议用法: 作为膳食补充剂,取 1/2 茶匙(约 1 克)与 8-12 盎司水一起服用,或按您的医疗专业人士的指示使用。
HMB 粉末的优点†
这种氨基酸支持瘦肌肉质量的生长,并可能有助于肌肉恢复。运动前服用 HMB 还有助于提高运动表现。它还可能有助于促进大脑健康
- 建立瘦肌肉质量
- 帮助管理健康的体重
- 有助于剧烈运动后的肌肉恢复
- 提高运动表现并增强力量
- 有助于维持健康的胆固醇水平
- 减少阿尔茨海默病相关斑块
建议用法: 作为膳食补充剂,取 1/2 茶匙(约 1 克)与 8-12 盎司水一起服用,或按您的医疗专业人士的指示使用。
此产品的评分为 4.7 / 5.0 颗星。
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Excellent product for strenght and muscle gains

First Purchase with this company
This company is by far the best option for purchase of ongoing lifestyle health supplements. I am 71 years old and used to be known in the intelligence community for training law enforcement, FBI, CIA, Professional football players, and even people in various underground organizations and the criminal underworld in weightlifting and martial arts. As a trainer - it is "keys to the kingdom" as all people dealing with dangerous conflict benefit from being skilled and powerful - and so in one place together - having a good time and acting like friends - all because of having the same constructive health goals - I would experience an astonishing harmony between people who were natural enemies all because of working in hope towards self-improvement. It was the most amazing phenomenon of my life - and my demand was for them to essentially grant "diplomatic immunity" towards each other during my sessions with all of them. Many of them looked up to me as a father figure as at the time (back in the eighties) I was one of the strongest human beings on earth and extremely formidable (I defeated 7th degree martial arts experts in seconds, had a powerlifting total of 2590, and could hold a 250 pound man at arms length off the floor effortlessly with staight outstretched arms). Despite this there were people that were far stronger than me in certain "pet lifts" like a 400 pound 5 foot 5 inch farmer who was lean and could easily do curls for high reps with 200 pound dumbbells in each hand. The key to strength is not just training but nutrition and proper liquid feeding during training is a game changer - and using nutritional science as a teenage cross-country runner that weighed only 130 pounds at 6 foot tall - I transformed myself into a 310-pound monster that made Arnold look like a skinny person. Now that I am old - my joints are in constant pain - and I lost much of my youthly strength - and using products that reverse this and bring back my strength cost a great deal of money - not because they are expensive - as much as the quantity necessary to get results when dealing with advanced age - where the body can no longer recover as fast and efficiency of absorbing nutritional value is diminished year by year. When I train, I need the best tricks I can find - and in addition to a special protein drink I make for consumption during training - the use of creatine and HMB really help compensate for old age. Without BulkSuppliments.com - I would not be able to afford the amount that works for me on a fixed retirement income. Another important issue is niacin. It enables improved circulation so that whatever supplements you use reach all the cells of the body. You cannot find niacin anywhere. Now they substitute niacinamide because people have complained too much about the discomfort of "flushing" caused by niacin (which is evidence it is actually working). What attracted me to BulkSuppliments.com is they offered real niacin, and I take this with various brain boosting herbs and vitamins when I get up at 4AM so that when I swim each day for 1.5 hours - my cardiovascular system is refreshed, and my body is nourished and charged so I can lift weights following the swimming. HMB is a muscle preservative so that minimum catabolic effects associated with aging are held back - and whatever gains I can make come more easily. The sheer number of valuable supplements when taken together and viewed in terms of long term and effective dosages - cost a fortune and are beyond the reach of most average incomes. BulkSuppliments.com has done a great service to our entire country by making it possible for people to pursue the ultimate nutritional systems required for maximum potential lifestyles - and so what else can I say? "BulkSuppliments.com - always a good decision!"

Seventy two years young and still pumping iron.
HMB has been researched and the results show a substantial maintaining of muscle tissue in elderly users. I use it post workout and mix it in at evening with my cottage cheese.

So far so good, been loading but I feel more strength and can pump out one more rep to reach failure. And the recovery is a breeze too!

Great stuff
Great HMB powder. Super refined, no clumping. The powder does not have the typical HMB taste. There is almost zero flavor. Mixes fantastic with protein.

Seems to be working as it should be.