L-谷氨酰胺通常作为锻炼前养生法的一部分,最常被运动员和健美运动员用来帮助提高运动耐力和帮助恢复。 L-谷氨酰胺还可以支持免疫功能,有助于健康的代谢功能,并有益于肠道和消化系统的健康。
- 帮助提高运动耐力
- 帮助运动恢复
- 强化免疫功能
- 支持健康的代谢功能
- 促进消化和肠道健康
- 有助于整体健康
运动前能量球: 将L-谷氨酰胺搓成无烤能量球,可以将单调的补充摄入变成运动前的仪式。混合燕麦、坚果酱、蜂蜜和L-谷氨酰胺粉,然后制成一口大小的球。这种组合确保您在去健身房前获得急需的能量提升。
酸奶芭菲: 将L-谷氨酰胺与奶油希腊酸奶、脆脆的燕麦片和甜甜的浆果一起分层在芭菲中,是享用这种补充剂的一种令人愉悦的方式。
超级燕麦粥: 早餐刚刚升级!将L-谷氨酰胺搅拌到一碗热腾腾的燕麦粥中,加入一勺蜂蜜或您喜欢的甜味剂,再加入一把新鲜水果。
自制柑橘苏打水: L-谷氨酰胺高度水溶性,非常适合自制口味苏打水。只需将其与新鲜柑橘汁(柠檬、酸橙或橙子)、苏打水和天然甜味剂混合。摇匀后,享受一款充满健康益处的清爽、酸甜的苏打水。
建议用途:作为膳食补充剂,每日一次服用 5000 毫克(约 2 茶匙),最好在锻炼前服用,或遵医嘱。
L-谷氨酰胺通常作为锻炼前养生法的一部分,最常被运动员和健美运动员用来帮助提高运动耐力和帮助恢复。 L-谷氨酰胺还可以支持免疫功能,有助于健康的代谢功能,并有益于肠道和消化系统的健康。
- 帮助提高运动耐力
- 帮助运动恢复
- 强化免疫功能
- 支持健康的代谢功能
- 促进消化和肠道健康
- 有助于整体健康
运动前能量球: 将L-谷氨酰胺搓成无烤能量球,可以将单调的补充摄入变成运动前的仪式。混合燕麦、坚果酱、蜂蜜和L-谷氨酰胺粉,然后制成一口大小的球。这种组合确保您在去健身房前获得急需的能量提升。
酸奶芭菲: 将L-谷氨酰胺与奶油希腊酸奶、脆脆的燕麦片和甜甜的浆果一起分层在芭菲中,是享用这种补充剂的一种令人愉悦的方式。
超级燕麦粥: 早餐刚刚升级!将L-谷氨酰胺搅拌到一碗热腾腾的燕麦粥中,加入一勺蜂蜜或您喜欢的甜味剂,再加入一把新鲜水果。
自制柑橘苏打水: L-谷氨酰胺高度水溶性,非常适合自制口味苏打水。只需将其与新鲜柑橘汁(柠檬、酸橙或橙子)、苏打水和天然甜味剂混合。摇匀后,享受一款充满健康益处的清爽、酸甜的苏打水。
建议用途:作为膳食补充剂,每日一次服用 5000 毫克(约 2 茶匙),最好在锻炼前服用,或遵医嘱。
此产品的评分为 4.8 / 5.0 颗星。
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L-Glutamine odor and "rot" taste issue
I purchased my first ever Bulk Supplements products in November 2024. My son uses the products and recommended them for quality and cost. I waited until he visited in December to open my L-glutamine because I was new to the product and thought he could talk me through the best way to use it. Upon opening the bag we both commented on the smell (smells like rotting feet) and my son tried using the powder. He added it to his water, per his usual use, and drank just a few sips before throwing it out and telling me there was something wrong. I waited one more day to contact Bulk Supplements to see if we'd have a repeat experience, and the next day it was even worse. After realizing the L-glutamine was damaged, I contacted Bulk Supplements and first received a stock email about how great their product is, followed by a second email telling me how great their product is AND how they had personally inspected MY bad of L-glutamine powder, that it has no smell, and how I can transfer it to a different container to air out. The customer service rep also told me how they use nitrogen gas to flush out the extra oxygen in the bag when processing the product, so I was likely smelling the after effect of the gas. I pointed out that nitrogen is colorless and odorless so this shouldn't be an issue. I also pointed out that Bulk Supplements doesn't disclose the use of the gas on their website, so I find that a little concerning. In the end, I see in past reviews that this odor and taste issue isn't new; apparently this is an ongoing complaint. I also understand that I won't be purchasing from this company again based on my first-time customer experience. I've asked for help, offered to return the product for their review, and even asked for a simple exchange to correct the problem rather than a refund (I never asked for money) only to be met with complete resistance. All they had to do was help and I would have easily been a return customer because I understand that things happen, but I'm past that now and will simply find another product.

Great stuff, Glutamine is a proven amino

Just what I wanted
Excellent. Would buy again, and again.

always great! easy to order, arrives in short order great quality - add to daily bcaas!

Old favourite
L-Glutamine powder old favourite of mine I always take every day (3 times 5g ). I love all their products so far great service and amazing quality and prices. Thanks guys
