Product Description:

Pudră de extract de mentă

Preț redus$55.00 NZD
3 reviews


Fără Gluten

Fara Zahar Adaugat

Extractul de mentă este un supliment natural care a fost folosit de secole pentru a îmbunătăți diferite condiții de sănătate. BulkSupplements oferă un extract de mentă pur, de înaltă calitate, care poate ajuta cu simptomele IBS, pierderea în greutate, digestia, balonarea, alergiile sinusurilor și durerile de cap. Extractul poate fi administrat pe cale orală sau utilizat local, după cum este necesar.

Vă rugăm să rețineți că dimensiunile porțiilor enumerate pe site-ul nostru sunt supuse unor ajustări ocazionale bazate pe factori precum variațiile în disponibilitatea ingredientelor și schimbările furnizorilor.

Stil: Pudra
Mărimea: 250 De Grame (8,8 Oz)
Opțiuni de cumpărare
$55.00 NZD
$49.68 NZD

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Opțiuni de cumpărare
$38.00 NZD
$34.16 NZD

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Opțiuni de cumpărare
$84.00 NZD
$75.56 NZD

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Opțiuni de cumpărare
$130.00 NZD
$116.96 NZD

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Opțiuni de cumpărare
$599.00 NZD
$539.24 NZD

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Opțiuni de cumpărare
$2,600.00 NZD
$2,340.14 NZD

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Beneficiile extractului de mentă

Extractul de mentă este încărcat cu antioxidanți precum acizi fenolici, flavone, flavanone, acid ascorbic, carotenoizi și terpinene. Extractul de mentă ajută, de asemenea, la furnizarea de energie și poate ajuta digestia.

  • Folosit pentru ameliorarea simptomelor IBS
  • Ajută la pierderea în greutate
  • Ajută digestia și ușurează balonarea
  • Ajută alergiile sinusurilor și sezoniere
  • Ameliorarea durerilor de cap

Customer Reviews
3.7 Based on 3 Reviews
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  • cardio vascular system
  • Dementholised Mint Oil
  • judge
  • L-menthol
  • tablespoons
  • breath
  • demand
  • side effect
  • peppermint
  • dosage
Fancy N.
Canada Canada

Tasty helper

This is great in a smoothie or a hot chocolate! I love that it’s good for digestion and it’s tasty!

Lawrence W.
United States United States
I recommend this product

DeMentholated Peppermint Extract

If you want peppermint taste this product is not for you. If you want the many well established health benefits of peppermint this product is a fantastic 5 stars. Now if you increase the dosage of this product the health benefits also increase. However, there is a negative side effect of consuming too much peppermint - kidney failure and death. The problem is with menthol which is known to cause kidney failure in high dosages. This product seems to be completely devoid of any menthol and I guess it is safe in higher dosages but you have judge for yourselves. I just know that before I took it I had boarder line kidney failure, could not urinate due to BPH, could not walk due to arthritis, could not take a good breath, had a failing cardio vascular system and felt tired with body aches. After taking 2 to 3 heaping tablespoons of this product for 2 years now those problems are all gone. And yes I have great kidney function now. I live in fear that this product will be canceled due to lack of demand. It is not to be confused with Dementholised Mint Oil which contains 30% to 56% of L-menthol.

Lynn G.
United States United States
I recommend this product

Buyer Beware!

I bought this product thinking it was a powder that would taste like mint/peppermint and could be added to foods. Boy was I wrong! It is a brown powder that tastes awful; no hint of mint at all. I guess it was my fault for not knowing what I was actually ordering, but to me it was misleading. Now stuck with something I have no use for.


Hello Lynn, Its extracts are very different from powders. Here is more information on Peppermint extract for you.