Product Description:

Proszek BHB beta-hydroksybutyrat (sód)

Cena promocyjna¥150.00 CNY
22 reviews



Jeśli szukasz poprawy poziomu energii, wsparcia funkcji umysłowych i utrzymania zdrowej wagi, Sodium BHB może być idealnym suplementem dla Ciebie. Suplement ten pomaga utrzymać Cię w stanie ketozy, zapewniając jednocześnie energię potrzebną do produktywnego działania przez cały dzień. Wspomaga także funkcjonowanie nerwów i wspiera mięśnie, co czyni go idealnym wyborem dla sportowców i każdego, kto chce poprawić formę lub osiągnąć swoje cele fitness.

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Styl: Proszek
Rozmiar: 250 Gramów (8,8 Uncji)
Opcje zakupu
¥150.00 CNY
¥135.00 CNY

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Opcje zakupu
¥120.00 CNY
¥108.00 CNY

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Opcje zakupu
¥218.00 CNY
¥196.20 CNY

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Opcje zakupu
¥293.00 CNY
¥263.70 CNY

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Opcje zakupu
¥1,336.00 CNY
¥1,202.40 CNY

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Opcje zakupu
¥3,742.00 CNY
¥3,367.80 CNY

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Opcje zakupu
¥4,542.00 CNY
¥4,087.80 CNY

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Korzyści z beta-hydroksymaślanu (BHB)

Beta hydroksymaślan, BHB, może pomóc w zasilaniu serca, mięśni i mózgu w okresach niskiego spożycia węglowodanów. Jego właściwości dodające energii mogą pomóc w długotrwałych ćwiczeniach i funkcjonowaniu umysłowym. Sód w połączeniu z BHB może pomóc w utrzymaniu mięśni, funkcjonowaniu nerwów i równowadze płynów.

Ponieważ ketony mogą powodować szybszą utratę elektrolitów, osoby na diecie ketogennej mogą odnieść korzyść z dodatkowego spożycia sodu.

  • Dostarcza energii podczas stanu ketozy
  • Wspomaga funkcje umysłowe
  • Wspomaga pracę nerwów
  • Wspiera mięśnie

Customer Reviews
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  • Sodium compound
Canada Canada
I recommend this product

Good product

Great energy source for keto

Jule B.
United States United States
I recommend this product


Works great for weight loss

Sally M.
United States United States
I recommend this product

BHB supplements

I definitely notice the reduced hungry feelings that I usually experience at night. Adding the BHB supplements in the morning and in the early afternoon helps me to stay on track when doing keto. BHB Beta-hydroxybutyrate (Sodium) Powder Review
Matthew L.
United States United States
I recommend this product

Keto support

Excellent at getting you back into keto if you eat alot of carbs at one setting.

Cheryl D.
United States United States
I recommend this product

BHB calcium

Nice product, mixes well with water easy to drink.

Bruce W.
United States United States
I recommend this product

Way less expensive than Pruvit or Perfect Keto

I started with Pruvit at about $100 per week. I also tried Perfect Keto at about $40 per week. I then looked at the proportions of the Calcium, Magnesium, and Sodium compounds in the ingredients on Perfect Keto and ordered 1Kg each from Bulk Supplements. So, for each dose (twice a day) I add 3.8g of each compound to liquid and flavor it. The price equivalent to the other two products is $4 per week. So, 1/25th of the cost of Pruvit and 1/10th the cost of Perfect Keto. The downside is having to weigh and mix the three compounds. Also, the Magnesium and the Calcium compounds are relatively odorless. The Calcium compound appears as a compact white powder. The Magnesium compound appears as a white powder with slightly greater volume to weight than the Calcium compound. However, the Sodium compound has a distinct odor--making me wonder if it contains some impurities. Also, the Sodium compound is slightly beige in color and about 25% greater in volume to weight and "fluffier" in consistency than the other two compounds--again indicating possible impurities. As the Sodium formulation is about 50% greater in price than the other two compounds--making one wonder why we pay more for a product that appears not to be a pure Keto salt. I will stick with it pending further negatives. I have noticed a marked difference in inflammation since starting with Pruvit several weeks ago and have noticed appetite suppression and several pounds of weight loss. But the opportunity cost of Pruvit is pretty high.