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Polvere di Proteine di Piselli Biologici

Prezzo scontato$30.97 USD
983 reviews



Senza Glutine

Scatena la potenza delle proteine vegetali con la Polvere di Proteine di Piselli Biologici di! Questo integratore superiore è il tuo partner perfetto per mantenere uno stile di vita attivo. La nostra polvere di alta qualità offre una fonte di proteine pura e naturale. Priva di riempitivi aggiunti o additivi artificiali, stai ottenendo solo proteine di piselli pure e salutari. Inizia oggi il tuo percorso verso il fitness!

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Stile: Polvere
Misurare: 500 Grammi (1,1 Libbre)
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$30.97 USD
$27.87 USD

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$16.97 USD
$15.27 USD

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$41.97 USD
$37.77 USD

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$201.97 USD
$181.77 USD

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$601.29 USD
$541.16 USD

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Spediamo da Las Vegas e Nashville. Consegna in 2 giorni al 99,4% degli USA

I tempi di consegna internazionale sono di 4-10 giorni. Dazi e tasse sono prepagati se raccolti al momento del pagamento.

Ricco di Proteine: La proteina di piselli è una fonte di proteine di alta qualità, ricca di aminoacidi essenziali necessari per la crescita muscolare, la riparazione e la salute generale.

Facile Digestione: La proteina di piselli è facilmente digeribile e può essere una scelta adatta per individui con sensibilità digestive o allergie ad altre fonti di proteine come latticini o soia.

Costruzione Muscolare: La proteina di piselli può sostenere la costruzione muscolare e il recupero, rendendola una scelta popolare per atleti, culturisti e individui che desiderano aumentare il loro apporto proteico.

Gestione del Peso: Le proteine sono conosciute per aumentare il senso di sazietà e favorire la gestione del peso riducendo l'appetito e sostenendo un metabolismo sano.

Senza Allergeni: La proteina di piselli è priva di allergeni comuni come latticini, glutine e soia, rendendola una scelta adatta per individui con sensibilità o allergie alimentari.

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David S.
United States United States
I recommend this product

Always Plant Based

I switched from Whey to Pea Protein summer of 2018. Found out the MeB12 in Whey Powder was methylating dental mercury amalgam my body absorbed over the past 50+ years. Once I made the switch to vegan and high dosed iodine my collagen tissue functioned much better (ligament, tendons, bone, cartilage, etc). Over the course of 18 months my dumbbell workout went from 40's to 60's. Lifting 150% more than I did 35 - 40 years ago. And I feel great and drinking pea protein shakes four times per week.

Andrew B.
United States United States
I recommend this product

Works great mixes ok too taste not that great

It's a great protein powder. However the taste kinda sucks, but it's unflavored so I get it, just keep that in mind before ordering

Eric D.
United States United States
I recommend this product

Pea protien

its great supplement that helps me sculpt my body

Bruce H.
United States United States
I recommend this product

Good product and service

Good product and service

Christopher S.
United States United States
I recommend this product

Great plant based protein at a great value.

I've been a pescatarian (eat fish and veggies only, no meat) since 2021. I was using whey protein for my protein supplementation for the longest time. It wasn't until I went on a trip for two weeks not drinking milk/having protein daily that I realized I was lactose intolerant. As soon as I got back home and started taking whey daily again, I bloated like a balloon and was on the porcelain throne multiple times a day. Since then, I switched to pea protein isolate and I will never use another protein again. This stuff is unflavored and has a very mild taste. When combined with Ovaltine and a dash of cinnamon, this stuff is insanely tasty. A protein shake with no filler or fluff. It's even better with almond milk! I did notice that if you use this protein with no added ingredients (so just protein powder and water) it foams up like CRAZY. The powder itself is also extremely sensitive to static electricity buildup for whatever reason so it can be a bit messy at times when adding to your shaker cup/blender. When I add my Ovaltine, it doesn't foam up at all. Also worth mentioning -- I'm extremely regular when it comes to using the bathroom (#2) and have no GI issues now. No bloating, either. I HIGHLY recommend this stuff. Even if you're a meat eater, consider this protein!

Eric D.
United States United States
I recommend this product

Pea protein powder

Heals my muscles