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Serbuk Isolat Protein Kedelai

Harga penjualan€32,95 EUR
57 reviews

Tingkatkan asupan protein Anda dengan bubuk Isolat Protein Kedelai dari, protein berbasis tanaman berkualitas tinggi yang dirancang untuk mendukung tujuan kebugaran dan nutrisi Anda. Apakah Anda seorang atlet, binaragawan, atau sekadar mencari suplemen bergizi, isolat protein kedelai kami dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Anda. Dengan efektivitas yang luar biasa, ini adalah tambahan yang sempurna untuk setiap program kesehatan yang didedikasikan untuk mencapai kinerja puncak dan kesejahteraan secara keseluruhan.

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Gaya: Bubuk
Ukuran: 1 Kilogram (2,2 pon)
Opsi pembelian
€32,95 EUR
€29,35 EUR

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

Opsi pembelian
€17,95 EUR
€16,29 EUR

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

Opsi pembelian
€22,95 EUR
€20,64 EUR

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

Opsi pembelian
€28,95 EUR
€26,09 EUR

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

Opsi pembelian
€156,95 EUR
€141,52 EUR

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

Opsi pembelian
€328,95 EUR
€296,16 EUR

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

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Manfaat Isolat Protein Kedelai

Isolat Protein Kedelai kaya akan BCAA dan 100% vegan. Ini adalah protein lengkap yang dapat membantu pemulihan otot setelah latihan berat.

  • 90% protein murni
  • Vegetarian dan vegan
  • Mendukung pemulihan otot
  • Membangun otot tanpa lemak
  • Telah diuji di laboratorium untuk kualitas dan kemurnian

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Chadley D.
United States

High quality product

Bulk Supplements provided me with a COA for the protein powder I purchase so I can be comfortable it is screened for all the contaminants I am concerned about (heavy metals, other chemicals). I appreciate their dedication to quality.

Will M.
United States
I recommend this product

Wonderful soy!

This soy isolate is wonderful! Absolutely tasteless, it blends in well with so many things, like oatmeal, yogurt, and puddings. We use our powder almost daily.

Thomas B.
United States United States
I recommend this product


I use this on a steady basis. No review necessary

United States United States
I recommend this product


Personally, this tastes fine. Very neutral even. No distinct flavor. That being said, I mix my protein powder into a protein shake with greens, fruits, vanilla almond milk, dairy free vanilla yogurt (coconut milk base), honey, and a bit of coffee. I would never just have protein powder and water, I can’t imagine that would ever taste good with any powder. I also use a blender because I can’t stand the texture of lumps in a shake. I was using Orgain organic protein powder since it’s dairy free and had a high enough protein count (21g per 2 scoops) but it’s so expensive and really didn’t last because of how much I go to the gym and the lower serving size amount. So I was glad to find this at 25g per the same 2 scoops but way cheaper for an extra pound of product. Everyone is different so you really just have to buy it and see if it works for you. And it’s cool that they offer different amounts so you can try it out without wasting money on 2lbs off rip if you end up hating it. Take all reviews anywhere with a grain of salt and remember you won’t know for yourself unless you try it yourself. It comes in a resealable bag of sorts but I have a hard time making it actually stay sealed so I shifted it into the old Orgain container (after washing it and letting it dry) and I use the old scoop. I weighed it and it gets me the correct service size with two scoops and it all fit in the container perfectly. I recommend having a scale so you get the proper gram amount since using measuring spoons without weighing can give you slightly varied numbers. Not hugely most of the time but still good to not over or under do it. I would also definitely recommend getting an airtight container to put it in rather than leaving it in the original bag if the sealing issue matters to you. I recommend this for sure overall, especially if you’re dairy free and still want a good protein count. Excited to see where this paired with creatine (also from this site) gets me in 6 months to a year’s time! And don’t forget about the subscribe and save option if you decide to buy this regularly!

JP d.
United States United States
I recommend this product

Good product, economically packed

I simply assume that product is as advertised, and it works for me. The best point for me is the minimal plastic bag packaging; I don't have to worry about recycling (and paying for) plastic tubs.

Antonio S.
United States United States
I recommend this product

Soy protein

It works great just the taste is a little too bitter for me. So I'll probably just stick with the whey protein.