Product Description:
#2 Best Seller
in Dukungan Penglihatan

Serbuk Asam Hialuronat (Natrium Hialuronat)

Harga penjualan$18.600 CLP
2147 reviews

Sodium Hyaluronate, juga dikenal sebagai asam hialuronat, merupakan komponen alami kulit manusia, dan berperan penting dalam menjaga tingkat kelembapan dan memberikan dukungan pada kulit. Seiring bertambahnya usia, tubuh kita memproduksi lebih sedikit natrium hyaluronate, yang dapat menyebabkan kulit kering dan ketidaknyamanan sendi. Sodium Hyaluronate dari BulkSupplements dapat membantu mengisi kembali kadar senyawa penting ini, mendukung kesehatan kulit dan memperkuat persendian. Selain itu, natrium hyaluronate telah terbukti meningkatkan kesehatan pencernaan dan mendukung jantung. Ini juga dapat bermanfaat bagi kesehatan mata dan berkontribusi terhadap kesehatan dan kesejahteraan secara keseluruhan.

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Gaya: Bubuk
Ukuran: 50 Gram (1,8 oz)
Opsi pembelian
$18.600 CLP
$16.740 CLP

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

Opsi pembelian
$14.700 CLP
$13.230 CLP

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

Opsi pembelian
$16.600 CLP
$14.940 CLP

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

Opsi pembelian
$26.400 CLP
$23.760 CLP

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

Opsi pembelian
$45.000 CLP
$40.500 CLP

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

Opsi pembelian
$79.200 CLP
$71.280 CLP

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

Opsi pembelian
$134.900 CLP
$121.410 CLP

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

Opsi pembelian
$675.600 CLP
$608.040 CLP

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

Opsi pembelian
$1.166.000 CLP
$1.049.400 CLP

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

Opsi pembelian
$2.222.500 CLP
$2.000.250 CLP

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

Opsi pembelian
$21.500 CLP
$19.350 CLP

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

Opsi pembelian
$2.760.600 CLP
$2.484.540 CLP

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

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Manfaat Asam Hyaluronic

Asam hialuronat dapat membantu menjaga kesehatan kulit dan mendukung persendian. Ini dapat membantu meningkatkan kesehatan pencernaan dan bekerja untuk mendukung mata.

  • Mendukung kulit
  • Memperkuat persendian
  • Meningkatkan kesehatan pencernaan
  • Manfaat kesehatan mata
  • Berkontribusi pada kesehatan dan kesejahteraan secara keseluruhan

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Elias A.
Canada Canada


Good product.

Robert P.
Canada Canada
I recommend this product

Very good product

As you age you loose elasticity in your skin, this product is very good.

United States United States
I recommend this product

Hard to compare

I've been buying this from Bulk Supplements off and on for several years. It's the only source I know of to get it in bulk powder, and I always prefer that when I can get it and when the taste of the product isn't offensive. This has no taste at all. I did notice on this latest batch that it does have a bit of a chemical smell. I don't know if that's inherent in the product itself or if its indicative of chemical processing that I wouldn't be pleased with. It may have always been like that, I don't know, I don't usually smell it. It does firm up into a gel really quickly when added to liquid and is difficult to deal with if you don't know what you're doing - but that's what it does in your body and that's why it's beneficial. You just have to figure out how to use it. I like to put it in what I call collagen pudding which is basically collagen powder and melted butter, along with this and a couple other powdered supplements. Since there's no water in it, it doesn't gel up, and I can't taste it at all. It is super messy in powder form as well, and that's a bit annoying, but again that's a property of the product and there's really nothing you can do about it. It's like super fine flour so any puff of air sends it flying everywhere, and if it touches any moisture it gels up. I got a big bag of it this time and it gets in the seal part of the bag so I couldn't reseal it. I had to transfer it into a big tupperware type container and that resulted in getting the powder all over every inch of my kitchen and all over me. I tried putting it in thick ziplock bags but it gums up the zipper part and I can't seal them. So just be aware of that. It doesn't stain, has no smell, and it does come off with enough rinsing with water, so no permanent damage. It's white as a powder and completely clear if it gels. It's just annoying. It would be great if Bulk Supplements could sell it in jars of some sort so this isn't an issue, because the bags can be problematic with this stuff. In the past, I was able to scoop out some and put it in a jar and just roll down the top of the bag and clip it shut but this time it was just too messy.

Teresa M.
United States United States
I recommend this product

Better than expected

Lois E.
Canada Canada
I recommend this product

Hyaluronic Acid

Love it. I make up gel caps to take hyaluronic as a supplement and I mix it with water and Niacinamide powder as a facial serum. Couldn't be happier.

United States United States
I recommend this product

Using on my horses

The horses eat it and helps with stomach/ulcer issues.