Product Description:

Bubuk Asam Alfa Lipoat (ALA).

Harga penjualanCHF 18.00
85 reviews

Bebas Laktosa

Asam alfa-lipoat (ALA) adalah asam lemak yang ditemukan secara alami di dalam setiap sel tubuh manusia. Peran utamanya adalah mengubah gula darah (glukosa) menjadi energi menggunakan oksigen1. Ini adalah antioksidan yang dibuat secara alami di dalam tubuh dan juga ditemukan dalam makanan, digunakan untuk memecah karbohidrat dan menghasilkan energi2. Asam alfa-lipoat merupakan antioksidan yang dibuat oleh tubuh yang ditemukan di setiap sel, yang membantu mengubah glukosa menjadi energi3.

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Gaya: Bubuk
Ukuran: 100 Gram (3,5 ons)
Opsi pembelian
CHF 18.00
CHF 16.20

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

Opsi pembelian
CHF 31.00
CHF 27.90

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

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CHF 47.00
CHF 42.30

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

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CHF 76.00
CHF 68.40

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

Opsi pembelian
CHF 368.00
CHF 331.20

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

Opsi pembelian
CHF 1,062.00
CHF 955.80

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

Opsi pembelian
CHF 1,310.00
CHF 1,179.00

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

Opsi pembelian
CHF 22.00
CHF 19.80

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

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Manfaat Suplemen Bubuk Asam Alfa Lipoat †

Asam alfa lipoat memiliki sifat antioksidan yang mendukung kesehatan secara keseluruhan. Dipercaya dapat membantu pemulihan otot dan meningkatkan kinerja atletik. Ini juga mendukung sistem kardiovaskular dan dapat membantu menjaga kadar gula darah yang sehat pada individu yang sudah sehat. Suplemen asam alfa lipoat dapat mendukung kesehatan otak dan meningkatkan kesehatan kulit, serta mempengaruhi metabolisme untuk membantu mendukung berat badan yang sehat pada individu yang sudah sehat bila dikonsumsi bersamaan dengan diet sehat dan olahraga.

  • Antioksidan yang hebat
  • Mendukung sistem kardiovaskular
  • Membantu menjaga kadar gula darah yang sehat
  • Mendukung kesehatan hati
  • Meningkatkan kesehatan kulit dengan sifat anti-penuaan
  • Mendukung mendukung penurunan berat badan yang sehat

Customer Reviews
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  • Alpha lipoic acid
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Brian C.
I recommend this product


it is very strong even taking 1/4 teaspoon so it must be pure, i am very happy with the product

United States
I recommend this product

The taste is awful, but always a good deal, here

I bought this because I had a recent completely unexplained heart attack and have just been trying anything that has positive research for heart and vascular health. This is quite expensive, but with such a little serving size, it seemed worth it. But, I mixed maybe 1/8 tsp in a big water bottle with beet root powder and cucumber powder and I could barely get it down! It sort of tickles/burns your throat. It is very acidic and has a horrible taste. Even trying to just put it in a bit of water and chug, eyes closed, was hard because it bugged my throat and leaves an aftertaste that lasts for hours. If it weren't so expensive, I'd just write it off and use it on my skin and get tablets. But, I'm going to keep trying to find a way to be able to get this down. If something works, I'll amend this.

Thomas C.
United States


Good experience so far and will be continuing to use it to see how things go longer term.

michael a.
United States
I recommend this product

A.L.A. Review

Fantastic. 100% better than the brand I used in the past! I will try the powder on my next order. Thank you.


Hello Michael, Thank you so much for your five-star review. We are delighted to hear that you had a positive experience with us at free to reach out to customer service with any questions or concerns at

I recommend this product


ALA is a super antioxidant. I have been taking 200-300 mg, 2-3x a day. When I increased from 1x to 2x a day, I noticed that my eye floaters went away after a few months. You need to take ALA with a B complex capsule each time, as ALA increases the usage of B vitamins and will deplete it faster it not taken with it. I fill each capsule with 200 mg of ALA and then top up the rest of a capsule with the B complex I make using BS supplies.


Hello Sheena, Thank you so much for your five-star review. We are delighted to hear that you had a positive experience with us at free to reach out to customer service with any questions or concerns at

Yasnay F.
United States
I recommend this product

Great Product

I buy Alpha Lipoic for a relative abroad who has diabetes and it is helping a lot!